Thanks to the partnership of individual and business donors with the Rotary Club of Jefferson, the annual Rotary Charity Auction has raised more $500,000 to benefit dozens of non-profit organizations and projects throughout Greene County and the world. Examples of projects receiving funding from the auction include:
· School/Youth---books and resources for elementary students; instruments for music departments; support of speech, vocational and technology programs; sponsorship of the Interact high school service club; literacy programs and safe after-prom activities; foreign student exchanges; kindergarten clinic and Toddler Fest assistance; scholarships for high school students; playground equipment for the Greene County Early Learning Center; Boy Scout equipment trailer.
· Community---Christian Action Resource Center (ARC/Food Pantry); Greene County public libraries; Adopt-a-Family; Habitat for Humanity; Webb House; Genesis Development; Thomas Jefferson Gardens; Sierra Community Theatre; archery equipment for “Gang Greene”; Rotary Little Lending Libraries; Greene County Historical Society; Doreen Wilber statue; and many, many more organizations and projects throughout Greene County.
· Worldwide---initiatives are the effort to wipe out polio forever; cleft-palate surgeries in Guatemala by Jefferson native Dr. John Canady; and support for literacy, education and health programs in Mexico.
We are grateful for your past generosity and continued support of the Rotary Charity Auction.