Applications available for Rotary grants
The Rotary Club of Jefferson is now accepting applications for grants from the proceeds of its 2022
charity auction.
charity auction.
For the past 22 years, the club has directed proceeds from its annual charity auction to worthy non-
profit organizations and projects throughout Greene County. More than $475,000 has been aimed at
helping schools, libraries, community organizations and other entities make improvements and services
that benefit the county’s quality of life.
Another $50,000 has gone to the Rotary International Foundation to finish eradicating polio world-wide
and to offer grants in communities across the globe to address identified needs in Rotary’s seven Areas
of Focus.
In observance of the Jefferson Rotary Club’s centennial in 2021, $50,000 in auction proceeds was given
to the city of Jefferson to develop the Rotary Centennial Dog Park adjacent to the new Greene County
Animal Shelter this spring.
The Rotary Club will disburse up to $9,500 in grants this year, while allocating $6,000 for college
scholarships, $1,500 for a project chosen by the new Jefferson Rotary satellite (evening) club, and
retaining funds for an upcoming large community-based project.
The application process is open to non-profit organizations whose programs or projects benefit others in
the areas of basic education and literacy; peacebuilding and conflict resolution; water, sanitation and
hygiene; disease prevention; environment; maternal and child health; or community and economic
Applications, policies and guidelines can be obtained online at, at the Journey
Financial office at Home State Bank, or by emailing Organizations are not
required to have a 501(c)(3) IRS designation to apply for funds.
Completed applications must be postmarked and mailed to Jefferson Rotary Club, PO Box 105, Jefferson,
IA 50129, or hand delivered to the Journey Financial office at Home State Bank by Friday, March 31, for
Rotary past president and 2022 auction chair Tori Riley will lead a committee of Rotarians who will read
the grant applications and determine how funds will be distributed. Recipients will be announced in the
early spring. Grants will presented at a special Rotary recognition event the evening of Tuesday, May 2.
the grant applications and determine how funds will be distributed. Recipients will be announced in the
early spring. Grants will presented at a special Rotary recognition event the evening of Tuesday, May 2.